Caring for the Pets of our Elderly and Infirm.
The importance of pets in our lives is well known. For the elderly it has even more significance. A companion animal allows our elderly to share their daily life. It can yield measurable benefits for their health and happiness.

The effects of a pet in helping to counteract some of the common difficulties of old age cannot be overlooked. A pet can decrease loneliness, it gives our elderly someone to care for, to keep active for, to touch and fondle, to watch and play with, to make them feel safe and to stimulate exercise.
Pets help to fill the empty time many elders have, it does not matter to the pet if they have heard the same story time and time again. For some, their pet may be the only source of unconditional love without rejection.
Having a pet can satisfy the need to be needed. While pets give affection and act as a social aid, they are also a responsibility.

This is where Health Assist’s Happy Paws program fits in. Many of our elderly have declining physical conditions that do not allow them to get out and walk their dog or to care for their pet in the way they need to.
The Happy Paws program provides a Home Assistance person two to three times a week to come in and help in whatever capacity is required. It might be a walk for the dog, grooming, a bit of pooper scooping. They will assist in whatever is required to ensure the pet is being looked after properly to ensure a good environment for the pet and owner alike. The Happy Paws program goes beyond our elderly and infirm.

Mental Health is a critical area that Happy Paws help in. When someone is admitted to a mental health facility and they do not have anyone to look after their pets our team step in. Popping over to ensure the pets are well feed and watered. Do a quick clean up and give peace of mind until their owner is able to return to them and look after them. Sometimes it involves transporting the pets to a cattery or kennel if the owners hospital is going to be for an extended time. Looking after their fur family is looking after their well being.
Are you a dog walker and would like to volunteer some time each week to assist, we would love to hear from you.
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